We're not entirely sure what is going on in this photo. Perhaps Logic consumed a magical potion that transformed him into one of the most notable superheroes of all time. Maybe he is recreating his favorite 1950's horror film, The Blob. Or, maybe Bobby is lying to us all and he schemed this entire picture with the help of Photoshop. Adobe's famed software is often accused of being used to shape people's bodies to slim them down in magazines or touch up some blemishes on your face. However, Logic prefers to use the editing software to accentuate his new status as "Bobby Biceps," morphing into a mixture of The Blob and The Hulk to become his own singular superhero.
Currently on tour with NF and Kyle, Logic has been busy at work but he still manages to find time to mess around. Still getting over his divorce from earlier this year, Bobby seems to be finding ways to make himself laugh to focus on the positive aspects of his life, like being an internationally recognized recording artist. Noting that he looks the way he does because of a dumbbell and a sandwich, it's looking more as though the rapper ate a few dumbbells to turn green. Regardless, he insists that it's not the work of Photoshop so, I guess we'll have to take his word for it.
Logic has been joking around on social media, cracking a few one-liners about his hairline and dubbing himself "SkyRacial" after going skydiving. On the road for a few more months, the Bobby Tarantino Vs. Everybody tour is set to finish in early August.